Royal lady

Tieto šaty radím do kategórie šiat, ktoré si na vešiaku v obchode možno ani nevšimnete, pretože na prvý pohľad vyzerajú neforemne, dokonca vám môžu pripomínať zásteru od babky. :) Netreba sa však nechať oklamať a šaty si treba vyskúšať, pretože je dosť pravdepodobné, že si ich obľúbite tak ako ja tieto. Voľne padajúca a vejúca sa sukňa je pre mňa to pravé orechové. Pri takom strihu si však treba dávať pozor na vietor, aby vám sukňa nakoniec nemávala niekde pred očami. :)
Navyše sú neuveriteľne pohodlné a čo ma najviac teší je, že už teraz viem, ako ich využijem a skombinujem aj v zime, ale o tom až niekedy neskôr... ;)
Fotky sme nafotili na zámku Schosshof v Rakúsku, bývalom sídle Eugena Savojského.

This dress is from the category of those clothes which you barely notice in a butique because they look shapeless at first sight. In some cases they can remind you of a pinafore from your grandmother. :) Thus, you must just try the dress on because it is more than likely that you will fall in love with that dress as much as I have. :)
What I really love about this dress is the free flowing skirt. However with such a shape it is imporant to watch out for the wind to avoid situations when you have a skirt somewhere over your face. :)
It is so much comfy! What I can also appreciate is that I can use and combine this dress in winter. But I leave that for another time. ;)
These photos were taken at the Schlosshof Castle in Austria, the former residence of Eugene of Savoy. 

Šaty, kabelka, okuliare: Zara
Topánky: Baťa
Prsteň: Forever 21
Hodinky: Bijou Brigitte
Náušnice: H&M

Dress, handbag and sunglasses: Zara
Flat shoes: Baťa
Ring: Forever 21
Watch: Bijou Brigitte
Earrings: H&M

Veronika :)

6 komentárov:

  1. love this pictures! and that dress, so beautifull! :*<3

  2. Lovely photos! You look amazing that's such a cute dress. I'm really happy I've found your blog :)

  3. Fantastic style! I see you're a fellow Zara lover, so I look forward to seeing more from you!


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